• L&T Design Powerhaus

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About Us

L & T Design Powerhaus is a PCAB Licensed firm that incorporates a strong design facility, operating in both the construction industry and in the event’s market consolidating architectural and interior designs, exhibitions, promotions, and other related events. L & T Design Powerhaus can take on a project from the beginning and handle every aspect from conceptualization to final installation. The company works extensively through design houses and production companies as well as internal event organizers.

Design Element

A well-equipped design studio housing designers from the field of Advertising, Architecture, Interior and Structural Design. In some situations, clients can go to L & T Design Powerhaus with only the vague ideas of what they require and the company comes up with the ideas for them. The design department is involved with concepts and schematics, visual presentations and working drawings.


The Inspiration

The company is involved in a wide range of market and events and deal with different people. This alone keeps the company fresh and vigorous. The company also attends every tradeshow that takes place & constantly updates its designers with every new design technology



Creativity and Construction

How does one influence the other? L & T is a construction company with a strong design facility. The company designs firmly with feet on the ground. The company knows what is feasible and achievable within budgets. Lastly, the company knows what materials will work for different styles and effects.




We tackle business problems with intelligence. We use cutting-edge tech and cutting-edge thinking to bring brands to life online and direct consumer behaviour.

Quality and Service with style and creativity in every Project.

- L&T Design Powerhaus -


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Our mission is to always meet our clients' needs in every respect. We believe that beautiful designs are limitless, we always make the largest possible progresses in every project. Needless to say, we always do our very best to impress our clients with our state-of-the-art design works.

137 Daisy St., Pingkian III,Sauyo Road, Pasong Tamo, Quezon City

Contact Form

If you are curious to hear more about what we can offer, do not hesitate to get in touch, Send us your brief and learn how we work

